Your Haircare Q’s Answered With Nova Arts Salon
Your haircare Q’s answered with Nova Arts Salon Best Hair Salon in Los Angeles, CA. We recently sat down with Camilla and Leslie of Nova Arts Salon...
Read moreThe cold, dry air tends to leave your hair dehydrated and begging for moisture. Let’s take a look at how you can help your strands this November....
Read moreThe skin microbiome – wondering what it is? Simply put, it’s the ecosystem of millions of bacteria, fungi and viruses living on our skin, protectin...
Read moreScalp Acne. It’s a thing… Just like the skin on our face, our scalp is ultra-delicate, too. Factors from a build-up of oil to clogged pores can all...
Read moreGet the most from your hair care routine. Ever wasted an hour in the shampoo aisle pouring over labels and still felt confused? Us too... At the b...
Read moreSummer, we love you, but you’ve left our hair feeling, well, not so loveable… As we wave goodbye to warm weather and days at the beach (or pool), h...
Read moreIt’s easy to get into bad habits, in fact, you might not even realise your routine is affecting your hair. Here are six haircare no-nos to strip fr...
Read moreUnfiltered water is filled with nasties like iron and copper, which can be harmful to your hair. They cause dryness and damage, leading to split en...
Read moreWhen we health check our hair, we usually look out for split ends and dull shine, right? In fact, the health of your scalp is just as important as ...
Read moreChlorine, copper, and zinc can be found in our tap water. These elements can strip away natural oils, leave you with flakey skin, and make fine lin...
Read moreSalons use filtered water to wash your hair, which is why it feels so soft and luxurious after every blowout.Investing in a filtered showered head ...
Read moreOur tap water includes chemicals that make it safe to drink but not so great for our skin. Chemicals like chlorine are abrasive, stripping the skin...
Read moreIt’s time to turn our attention to tap water. While it’s safe for us to drink, it contains added artificial chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride...
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