Post summer hair. Is salt water good for your hair?

post summer hair

Hit repair on post-summer hair

Summer, we love you, but you’ve left our hair feeling, well, not so loveable… As we wave goodbye to warm weather and days at the beach (or pool), here’s how to give your hair a new-season pick me up. 

UV rays, chlorine and salt water strip hair of its natural oils, leaving it prone to split ends and damage.

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How can you repair your locks?
You can’t bring back the sun, but you can bring back the shine to your hair. 
Add an oil to your daily routine. Oils like coconut, argan or almond will nourish each strand from the inside out, replenishing moisture, which has been stripped by salt water. 
Step away from the styling tools.

The heat from your hair dryer and straighteners will only strip your hair of essential oils further. Give your locks a break and wear them au natural for a while. 
Shower with filtered water.
A filtered showerhead removes impurities and nasties from your water, which could cause further dryness and damage. Our Vitaclean showerheads are loaded with essential oil-infused shots that give your hair and scalp much-needed moisture, too. 
And if you’re still hitting the pool?
Before you dive in, use an oil on your hair. This will create a barrier between each strand and the water, preventing chlorine or salt from stripping moisture. Rinsing pre-dip also stops your hair absorbing so much water, too.