The nasty truth about showering

A lot of people think that washing your hair with water and shampoo is enough to clean your hair…
But It’s actually not true...
When you shower, you’ll notice your hair becomes frizzy and dry after.
The reason why?
Minerals mix with the water and create a chemical reaction with your shampoo and soap...
Research says that this chemical mess is ineffective for cleaning. This means that the dirty stuff stays in your hair and doesn’t get cleaned. If the hair wasn’t bad enough.
These minerals also affect your skin *gasp* …
Hard water can make your skin feel dry & itchy…
Worst part? The soapy residue left on your body can clog pores (which can cause pimples).
Now… If you want to get rid of these negative effects of hard water… Then you NEED to shower with soft water. Soft water makes your hair have a more attractive shine and improves hair appearance. It also makes your hair more manageable so you can style it easier. Your skin will feel softer and less dry.
The most effective way to do that is with Vitaclean!