Shungite. Thought you knew purified water? Think again.
Here at Vitaclean, we have a secret we want to share with you. What is it? Shungite.
It sounds strange, we know, but, this powerful little rock might just be the answer to our water problems.
What is Shungite?
Shungite is a unique mineral rock formation, formed of 98% carbon. It’s only found in the Russian region of Karelia, close to a place called ‘Shun’ga’, which is where it got its unusual name.
While the first recording of the rock being used was in 1719, it’s estimated to be 2 billion years’ old. Local people have used the rock for centuries for its healing properties. Today, it’s known for its ability to purify water, which is so effective that the water in Lake Onega, where Shungite is found, can be drank without treatment.
At Vitaclean, we’ve just launched our exclusive Elite Shungite balls that can be used with our hand held or wall mounted shower heads to give you the purest water possible.

Elite Shungite has huge antibacterial properties and is packed full of antioxidants, meaning it can help to heal cracked or dry patches and improve the appearance of fine lines. It’s also packed full of essential minerals, helping you achieve soft skin and silky hair.
How can you use Shungite?
Simply switch the ceramic balls in your Vitaclean shower head for Shungite ones, turn on the tap and enjoy the purest possible water.